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Tommy Horton 735d
Tommy Horton
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Jose Farrach
Tommy Horton
Jose Farrach
Tommy Horton
Tommy Horton
Quandale Dingle
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Jose Farrach
Quandale Dingle
Jose Farrach
Quandale Dingle
Xt Swxgged 734d
Xt Swxgged
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Jose Farrach
Cheekyfaz 734d
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Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Jose Farrach
Alan 716d
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You know at this point I really don't care if I sound like a hater but honestly the content on this app is so horribly bad. There is nothing meaningful on this app. Nobody has any meaningful questions. Would you rather eat a pineapple or a coconut? Would you rather watch Hulu or would you rather watch Netflix? you want to like, would you rather like drive a car or a spaceship? This is what's wrong with our society. We can grasp and understand the reality of the world and understand that there's so much. I get it. I get people want to let go of a little steam. I get people want to just, you know, they don't want to exist in reality is the issue. Nobody wants to live in the reality of the real world. They live in La La Land where they think Tweety bird never gets caught by the cat and I'm here to tell you that it does happen. The cat does catch the bird. Y'all need to wake the fuck up and stop being consumed by such nonsense. Nonsense like it doesn't make any sense. What value am I gonna get from you letting me know oh well I like coffee better than tea. What the fuck dude. Sorry, I know Lord forgive me for they know not what they do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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***** nobody cares about your opinion and get off the app if you don't like it.
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I'll pray for you.
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Please bro, I appreciate it.
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I hope you find Jesus, brother. He's calling your name. You have a bigger purpose than telling other people that you don't care on a nap. Think about it man, think about your life and what you're doing with it.
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OK you don't have to treat me like I don't know my purpose bro I know God I know Jesus OK it's a joke I listen to like the first five seconds of your little sound bed and I just wanted to say that because it's pointless
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And I know what purpose in life I am no I don't I have goals I'm successful man I don't need you to tell me that your hero saying this is meaningless but what are you doing on the app to you if it's so meaningless delete the app and go do something with your life
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***** nobody fucking cares. You sound like a nerd, bro.
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Bro, you sound like Urkel. What the fuck are you talking about? What the?
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Bro you sound like you have autism I don't wanna hear my Knigge
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That's why you're still on my dick and that's why you're still on my post shut the fuck up you sound like a fucking pussy like the rest of these lames the fuck is wrong with you stupid
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Bro, shut up you Indian. Damn.
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What are you talking about the record I will fill you would you rather put the fuck up or or would you rather shoot for work at bat need your speaker password because what the fuck LOL
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Amazing bro I hope you're proud of yourself I really do I hope you're proud of yourself looking ignorant and dumb amazing but you'll make yourself look stupid straight up dummies
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Dude, you sound like a white guy trying to explain that the whole world is a simulator. But anyways, I'm pretty sure you're pissed, so just get out this app. At that point. They took you one minute to explain all of that, which was unnecessary.
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I'm actually a Palestinian and Mexican so I don't know where this I sound white comes from amazing maybe it's just cause I speak proper English that's what it is
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OK congratulations you played yourself I'm not mad I have actually peace in my heart I have Jesus in my life and I have purpose and meaning unlike yourself that doesn't believe in God so you have no purpose or meaning
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But I'll pray for you and I hope you find God and you find peace because I know you're struggling. You probably have hatred towards your father and you have resentment towards men but it's okay things will get better I promise you. forgive your father and your mother. They love you.
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I didn't say that because you sound like you're educated well because honestly people be saying I sound like I'm white honestly but that's not why.
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I'm a Christian myself. I just said that it's just how you're explaining this and if you're explaining this in that way like you're pissed then just leave that.
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But thank you for praying for me though now honestly need to I'm gonna pray for you too but I didn't mean for you to take that to heart though
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Oh one more thing I only said that you sound wipe because most likely in other social media's white guy should be talking about you know how the world is and this to simulator and these conspiracies just kind of crazy but it wasn't because of how your proper you know it
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I fucking agree with you like I can literally describe how they acting right now
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