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For me this is not really up for debate I just cannot see it no matter how much I've tried to understand and try to discern on my own but taking a life of an innocent person that has nothing to do with it is is it I just can't I just I can't comprehend it in my mind why women love to kill their children I just don't get it it's pure evil it's Do you know and then another thing and take over women kill them selves because he can't afford to have a child and then they start to commit suicide What about their mental health when they were having sex how come again I just don't understand how is it that we don't talk about prior to having the baby how come nobody spoke to these women and said hey use protection use condom used things to prevent you from having a baby we live in 2023 there should be no excuses why people are lazy why people don't want to put a fucking come in and Don't give me wrong it's the man as well the men need to be more responsible of putting their dick in any just fucking thing it's just blows my mind may need to be better men stop stop giving these women the ability to kill your child it just blows my mind stop letting women take our children
Abortion is not wrong, but it is in the same time because people, they get raped in like a young age and they just get pregnant. And people, they cannot get pregnant because of the bad life in their household. So, yeah.
You're talking about the 0.1% of people. Let's talk about the 99%. I'm not talking about people that get raped. I'm talking about people that just don't want their kids. Where is the explanation for the 99% of other people that do it?
Lay I give what you're saying and it is wrong honestly because it that's just wrong they can't just do that at least just put the baby in like a for adoption but some they just live in the house so that's just very bad so
Yeah the point is the murder is wrong in general motors Ryan not even from a Christian Sandpoint or anything murder is wrong point blank so abortion is wrong and a story
Let's talk about the 376,000 women that get sexually assaulted in the USA alone a year. Let's not talk about the 0.1% of people, because it's not just 0.1%. It's a good majority of the people who have abortions. And that's just what we know of. Some women don't come out because they are scared.
Then Mr. Jose, your call is to compassion and it's very, very different being a woman. And, you know, I'm a rape survivor. I have not had an abortion and I wouldn't for me, but I'm not gonna tell someone else what to do with their body.
You say you're not against telling people what to do with their body but yet you're telling people that they should be allowed to kill their children it's it's amazing it's fascinating I wish you well God bless
If that was trying to be funny, I really don't get it. But God bless you man, I hope you find Jesus and I hope you find peace in your life because it seems like your life is very chaotic. I'm sorry, brother.
Who said I was trying to be funny dog I do shit to be funny I do shit I just say the shit I come to my mom got the real honey honey honey fuck I think maybe it's because OPM took over my life that shit that shit changed me as a person you should do that
To 20 weeks it doesn't even have Cynthian so I wouldn't even call a person I will call a foetus and Other things happen other than unprotected sex so that's that's it
Not only that but contraceptives feel dear not 100% and I'm not saying this because you had unsafe sex you should be able to abort a baby but also it's your body Ingra choice for one
Also I don't know where you're getting your stickers from but it is not true that 99% of people hated abortion are just getting it because they don't want children that is not true and I think you need to do some research before you start staining.
The definition of abortion is the termination of pregnancy so it's just not wrong because that also means a C-section and also means a miscarriage those are not wrong so
My thing is that like why are you like almost like considering it to be nothing like it I need it that's intense it's not like I know literally scientifically it's a living thing it's a human species and science would agree with that
Abortion is a very serious issue when I'm saying is that it should still be illegal is that should be a choice because there are other factors other than someone just wanted to abort their baby I know it's a living thing but store animals and you eat meat so
You're really polite thing you shouldn't be eating meat don't know whether or not you eat meat or not but animals are living things animals feel pain and yet know when it's out here being like don't get animals I mean people are but ice I don't think you are
What is the medical procedure that saves lives like I think that it's up to that person and a pregnant person will they decide what to do like it should never be up to the government what happens only you and your daughter
It's not that I don't care about human life I care more about a humans life that is already been living in it already has experiences other than a potential human life that just doesn't make sense to me I'm going to care about the person who's already here
And actually you don't care about human life because if you're not caring about the babies life then how are you caring about humans life because a baby is a human sorry but it is
And I never said I did not care about the biggest life and I'm gonna be clear because if you got that then that's miscommunication but I care more about the person who is having sad baby I care more about them
First of all, that's not saving a life. It's literally killing a life. It's killing a human being. and it's that simple. And you can bring up any other argument you want, but you're still killing a living human.
And what I mean by killing or like simulator don't think it's killing our murder because abortion means termination of pregnancy there's no killing there's no matter what I mean by cinnamon life is that is that baby is jeopardizing that person like then yes I say about the baby
You're a quiver letting that if somebody doesn't have an experience in their life that they're not a living thing that they're not considered a human so what would you say to like a vegetable vegetable they're not leaving your life they're not like a living thing
I don't know what you mean by vegetable but if you mean someone who's like brain dead I would say they had past experiences so they did have a life and so yes I do value experiences and I mean I don't lose you
You never had an experience in your life in public never been living because life is experience the day you were born there is an experience so I don't even know what you mean
That's what you mean like someone who just doesn't do anything they just like I don't know like they're like a boring person then like there's they still have experiences so yeah I don't know what you mean by that
What isn't the baby like experiencing like growing in the mothers room and like it can I kick in punch with the tans in and feel pain and those are like those are kind of experience is it an older eating and you know
Unless you are telling me that you remember kicking in eating and being in a womb then I guess you can qualify that experience but no I do not qualify before you're born to be an experience
Like I said before, you know, there's people that are vegetables that cannot do anything, right? They were born that way. That doesn't mean that they're less of a person because they can't do things without help. And like, how can you say that if we're not giving them a chance to like experience?
No I'm talking to somebody that was born vegetable you don't mean so you would consider that like with the statements that you have been making so far you would consider that not a life not technically with the statements you're saying
OK I don't know why you keep bringing this up because I already addressed this I never said people who cannot do anything on their own they still have experiences I never said anything about that you keep bringing that up there absolutely irrelevant