Bunny Jay She said what she said and i agree 💯💯 Dont play with em #bunnyjayПодписаться3414ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Sƈσƚƚყ What are doing in this situation ?😂 Is Snitching Overrated or OverHated #BrownTableTalk #BattleRoyale
Legendz Should I get back in the studio to finish original music? This this a clip of "We All Fall Down" TM️
Nicolaaaa If someone proposed to you... BUT they wanted you to sing a pre-nup would you?!!! And WHY?!
Broken Record Tell Me About: a time when you waited for someone for so long you could see yourself ending up like this guy here?
Bunny Jay This is getting out of hand🤬 first the bears now sharks wth can we keep drugs from animals 😂 #bunnjay whos next to get high on cocaine ?
SteppasDon I.D.K.Y - J3rryFrmGary ft. SteppasDon, @vontepicassionte , & @project_pook video snippet 😉 Yall wanna hear the whole song?