Tom Brady was spotted with supermodel Irena she was spotted leaving his house with the same clothes she wore the night before and yeah I guess a lot of people are talking about it Tom Brady isn't it supermodels what's new
Who cares? I hate when people- I hate when, like, social outlets or media outlets or whatever, when they do this. Like, oh my god, uh, Chris Pratt was seen with Tanya Wh- well, actually, that's pretty controversial. But, uh, Chris Pratt was seen with, um, uh, Tom Brady, uh, died, they- oh my god. Like, who cares, dude? Dude, I swear, Tom Brady would fart, and they would put it on, like, all the articles, dude.
Add time being a peeping Tom no I mean a peeping Tom your meds but anyway whatever oh says Mesa when he trying to find Darin scandals on these people Tom Brady did nothing but women championships I am I didn't see the fax fax mean