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It really varies for me because like some people look a lot better with facial hair than others obviously So it's just based on how it looks on that person.
Bro, if a guy is mid and he has facial hair, he looks 20 times better, in my opinion. Like facial hair being caring looks especially a beard. If it's patchy, it's perfectly fine. I can help make that grow.
Such sweet words, such sweet words But not much it ain't patchy. I'm straight. But yeah, I think I look better with a beard I think I just look more like a man than a baby because I got a baby face These guys got glasses and everything. but a beard is kind of more masculine, you know?
Player from hog life story bro on some real shit I was sick yesterday I mean I'm still sick but I'm a little bit better off now so I can play my game is it again butter so I was just trying to do shit for hours bro I see you see me
I'm actually curious myself so if you, ladies don't mind replying to me as well. You drop a comment. I'm trying to see too because I got some facial hair and I've been just growing it out because it's just beast of hassle shaving it because I ain't really got nothing to shave it for. So I'm obviously going to grow back, shave it again, it's just waste.
Voice note from like three days ago but my preference is no facial hair because beards I was just kind of bothered me to the point where they like itchy but that was like the only reason I didn't like them but I did that it looks good on me and some men at all but I prefer no hair
I'm saying everybody with beards is like automatically know for me because it's like I'm a big personality person but You can look good with a beard. There's some men who look great with a beard and there's some men who don't, but my preference is no hair. This is my preference, not everybody else's.
My bad cause I keep like blowing up your voice no but I think for the most part it's not really just beers in general I think is like the full grown beards that like Pascher cheeks that bother me but like the chain beers I'm OK with two
I mean, don't understand facial hair because, you know, it takes a while to actually grow a beard, right? And I think that's what you're talking about, like a beard or mustache or anything like that. But when I'm like, I'm going to shave my face, my girl's like, no, don't do that. I'm like big.
It just depends on how you look with it. Some people look barefaced as fuck if they don't have a little bit of facial here. But, I'm not saying I don't like it, you know.