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OK so you know how like the battle pass gives you enough V-Bucks for the next battle pass my friend came in like after I had like all my Pe-Bucks saved my friend came in begging for an email that was 500 it was the work email because he really wanted it and I said sure but since I can't afford the battle pass next season could you please give it to me next season he was like sure I promise and then he said oh keep reminding me so I kept reminding him and he kept saying sure sure sure and I reminded him yesterday he was like sure and then today I asked him Cu like there was the new And then today I ask him because like there was a new update so there's like a new back battle pass him I asked him and he said no and like I was confused and he said it wasn't fair that I did that he had to pay 950 for something for 500 but then he's refusing to give me some thing even though I don't get anything in return I don't think it's fair what should I do Because I don't I'm confused and I I can't buy any Vbox because I can't I'm not allowed to spend any money anywhere and I don't feel like it's fair and I can't get it and I really wanted it so can you guys please tell me what do you think it's fair for me to get in return or should I just like block him or something because he promised and it's not fair
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