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After listening to a brief Kevin Hart comedian sketch where he talks about how loyal best friends in his eyes are supposed to be to one another, even going as far as lying for each other, no matter what is going on. So it got me thinking, how loyal are best friends truly to one another? If you have a best friend, is there a limit you'd stop at in helping them? For me personally, there is no person on this planet worth breaking the law for, because jail sucks. I've never been to jail or prison and I do not want to fuck around and find out. So, for me, I definitely have boundaries with my friends. Do you have boundaries with your friends, or do you go with the friendship motto, there are no limits? Comment below, let's talk about it.
Ding ding ding! That is the correct answer, Eugene! You win a high five! That is facts, though. Yes, I would not break the law for any friends. It is just not worth it. There's always the potential of getting caught, and I do not want to look like an accessory. No sirree!