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Hello everyone so over here we have a picture of lots of things in it and you've got to tell me how many films you can see and what can I see Mary Poppins frozen Titanic White chicks Wonder Woman Star Wars did I say Mary Poppins Pulp Fiction did I say that anyway I'll leave the rest to you
Oh, this is very interesting, but the thing is, fucking guys translate all the movies in Russian names, so even if I'm going to tell you names, you're going to think it's wrong because it's translated incorrect. But I can see all the movies here, yes. Very nice movies.
I see Titanic, I see Snowman, I see White Chicks, I see that Marvel Woman, I see a dog, I see Harry Potter, I see Snowman, I don't see any Asian films, that's fucking racist. I don't see any Asian films, that's fucking racist.
Well I see La La Land, which is a very good movie, White Chicks, Pulp Fiction, okay, Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Frozen One other movie, oh Rey, I see Rey, the movie with Jamie Foxx and also see the movie with With the bow and arrow, the Disney movie. I cannot name the movie. I just need to see more movies bro I'll be honest. I'm so uncultured