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Yeah I mean I was on the black one Day and ox come round and started throwing shots bullet miss my hair ballot 5 cm I would like them tonight to book the next day yeah
I'm not going to lie, the scariest situation anybody can ever be in is when you're at the grocery store and your mom says she got to go get something and then they already skinned it. And your mom's still not back.
So you know I'm unplugging a bitch right like Kevin Gates you know they calling her stomach so shit right but I'm fucking her and I I know she had a door so I hear footsteps downstairs I'm thinking it's your dad is a panic and jump out the fuck
Sleep paralysis is one of the worst things I ever fucking have bro. Like literally my worst situation ever. Like I remember when I was sleeping and shit and like I saw like a figure that's just an all in black sleeping next to me and talking to me and I was scared but I couldn't say anything bro.
I think they're called like sleep paralysis demons and like mine was a fat white dude and he read the fuck out of me But I managed to like break free But, yeah.
I'm sorry about that, I'm gonna *** guy raping him in some way I don't even know if that's fucking true, cause what the fuck but like sleep paralysis happens in all different ways but...
Nah, I'm talking about you. You said that your sleep paralysis demon, *****, was laying next to you talking to you. And I'm asking you, what did he say to you?
Oh my bad, but um basically like he was like sleeping right next to me Like he was laying down with me and he was like saying some like mumbling words And I was like what like I was trying to speak but I can't speak bro my mouth like was not moving at all.
When I was in kindergarten I was a walker and I had a sub this day and the sub let me walk home alone I didn't know where to go but instead of and he hit by a bus, some random lady picked me up and brought me home.
But um like sleep paralysis with me like I have it's common to be honest but I'm pretty used to it like some of them are mad creepy bro I'm telling you bro like I'd be like, waiting you up, like, I can't go back to sleep.
High school grad, we'd been smoking weed and drinking a tiny bit. We drove around a corner, there's an accident, so we get out of the car to go look at the accident and the cops all put us face down on the grass because they thought we were the ones who killed the kid.
So it was full on murder treatment we were like had birds to the back of our heads us squishing our faces into the grass cursing us out holy fuck it was crazy man and I like I was every inch of me was shaking on the more
So it was a good solid hour of that shit like you know ten squad cars blah and there was a car with all four doors open that had hit a kid and killed them in the street, street, Eify Moorp.
One time when I was like six years old I was running from a raid in the neighborhood in Jamaica and I turned the corner to go home and a soldier had a gun right pointing right at me and