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Have you seen the movie The Sound of Freedom? Have you heard about it? It's a pretty damn good movie based on a true story about a cop who quits his job to go fight child sex trafficking. I highly recommend it. It's at the theaters for the next two weeks. If you did see it, let me know what you thought about it.
Yeah, I watched it and man, although the ending, it was good, right? It was still bittersweet because A, with how big this problem is, you really can't save them all. And the fact that majority of major TV networks and Hollywood itself has blacklisted this film is disgusting and tells you everything you need right there, but amazing film, everybody should watch it.
Yeah, no, I agree. You know, I was a little bit fucked up after watching it. I mean, really well done and everything, and it was a happy ending, but it was totally bittersweet because you're looking at all those kids that got left behind that he couldn't save, right? Because he's just one dude. It's unreal, man. So if we truly were, you know, a force of good in the world, we'd send the military in to do this shit.
Yeah, you nailed it. That's how I felt. I felt hopeless or helpless rather. I just had to go sit. I went and sat by myself in the park for like 15 minutes and then I did an Instagram live just talking about it trying to process because it's a lot man. It's a lot.
Yeah it's crazy that Hollywood has such a stronghold on everything, right? You would think maybe another billionaire could like do a startup to be an alternative to the pedophile network in Hollywood, but I guess they got it on lockdown, man. It's crazy. But yeah, I heard Mel Gibson was gonna do a four-part thing about Hollywood and pedophilia, but I haven't heard any details on it.
And I've seen the Sound of Freedom. But you should watch Sound of Noise. And maybe I'll get around to watching Sound of Freedom when I can. But, and another thing...
sound of noise what's that all about that reminds me of uh of a video on youtube it might get loud i think it's a documentary it might get loud with uh the edge jimmy page and jack white talking about their you know how they touched just talking guitar but that's a great documentary if you haven't seen it but uh what is the sound of noise about maybe punk rock