Well, I tell you, just like I told my boss man today buying Apple Planet, matter of fact, about 30 minutes ago, I'll clean this goddamn truck out and bring it back to you. I don't need this fucking job that bad that I got to drive through a tornado. You can take this job and shove it. I don't need it near no more. I can stay home, sit on it, for a while anyway.
I said, shut the fuck up, you butt-headed ass, you ugly ass, you're great, you're hunky-dunky, build-ass, bitch, your ass look like a grimoire, bitch, your ass smell like a fucking ethanol bomb, that's what the fuck I'm sensing, your ugly ass, your old man ass, your wrinkly ass, bitch, your dick, your dick, doing gang signs, fuck it, you're talking about your ugly ass, hunky-dunky, build-ass, bitch, your ass, your ass look like you suck, bitch, your toes are fluffy, fine, if I love you, ugly ass, go find your bitches and come talk to me.
I think you need to get a better game plan just kind of seems like you're saying a couple same words over and over and over again you can do better pineapple planet out
Your question was about the boss, right, and I specifically told you what I would say to the boss, so of course I'm going to repeat things over and over again for him. I don't need a new game. I do not need to get a new game plan. If that's how I want to talk, that's how I want to talk. Fun? Like, fun?
I don't like you. I don't like you at all. I don't like you, Pineapple. I don't like you, my boss. Because this boss kind of looks like, Tonight will be the night, Lord, I will rock for you!
Look you're doing the best you can you should probably like take some time off and yeah that's what you should bag in mind I have my own boss I thought I would say
Yeah I think politeness is a patio as far as like I said this to one of my old bosses that kind of had no mind being a boss but he was doing the best he could you know what I mean is he was just like losing his shit and I go do you want to take a minute and start over looks at me and goes what do you mean and I was like like start over this whole conversation because right now I don't think you're getting what you want and I'm not getting what I want
Hey, you're the only boss I actually like but I have no idea how you got into the position you say you've been here for like 20 plus years, but Reality is is because you put in the time that they only gave you the position because I don't know how you do it every day I supervise myself and my group does too
I'm already talking to this because I've seen this Avenue million times David so many times were someone has just been at a job for so long just knows the job so well did they make them the boss and they should've made him boss because he does not match people he does not to talk to people I've had ones were this is a pass manager of mine that literally stood there yelling at a guy going to just do your job Yeah but I was like oh that's not how you manage me you was fired later