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Southernhubs 737d
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Are you kidding me? I just had someone who had to impress upon me what their pronouns were. Honestly, I don't care what your pronouns are. That means nothing to me. I believe in proper nouns. If I'm going to have any sort of relation with you, whether it's business personal or otherwise, tell me your first name. That's all I need. I don't need to know Anything about pronouns, adjectives, or anything else you want to call yourself, that's up to you and yourself. Other people rate how they interact with you by how they interact with you. I'm Doc. I don't care. You can be gay, straight. You can consider yourself multiple personalities. You can... That's all how you see yourself. That's your ego. I don't need to know your ego. Not for most businesses and not for most communications you have with people. So to throw that out at somebody, really, isn't that just looking for an argument? I mean, most people don't care. You know, if you're trans or you're straight or you're gay or you're whatever you are, is entirely your business. Absolutely. That's not my concern of how you need to be. So don't throw your pronouns out first. I don't care what they are. Tell me your name. Give me a proper noun. What do you think?
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Dr. hundred percent agree with you I don't give a shit what do you think about yourself I want to kill yourself you give me if I could name and I go Emmanuel name I don't need no here he heard the name zoom zipped up WB DuBois Jell-O pudding Babson
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I'm crying laughing right now. I'm crying laughing.
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