Drewwy Dooey Things to keep you safe in the streets of Detroit 🫵🏾👨🏾Подписаться22ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Drewwy Dooey Why is it that when I open the app after a week, the first post I see is "Thicc or nah?😍🥰🥵😝💅💅" Only thing thicc around here is your skull, get a job.
Drewwy Dooey Don't look at your best friend after hearing "guess im a loser..heh" Challenge(impossible)
Drewwy Dooey It's always "Rate me" "Would date me?" On this app. Bro go rate and date some grass. Nobody cares about your 2inch top you got from Spencers. Go seek attention on tik tok with the other thotties.
Drewwy Dooey 💀if you ever Swear on this app, and then see me in the STREETS🦖🐲 YOU better gorilla glue those CHEEKS or else im going WILD😈.