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Guy goes to a bar and he sees a guy take a shot and jump off the balcony, this is a 45 story building, he runs over to see if everything's okay, he doesn't see him, the guy comes back up through the elevator 10 minutes later, he goes, how did you do that, he goes, I take a shot, jump off, I slow down when I get towards the ground, he takes a shot, jumps off, he looks, the guy looks
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Guy looks over the balcony, he sees him start slowing down towards the ground. The guy comes back up through the elevator, and he goes, uh, oh my god, you actually did it. So the guy that didn't jump off the balcony takes a shot, runs over, jumps off the balcony. He splatters on the ground. The bartender looks at the guy that jumped off and slowed down and said, you can be a real asshole when you're drunk, Superman.
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