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Bri Talks 609d
Bri Talks
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EgyptAphrodite 𓃭
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Ramifications 608d
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Isabella Bey
Ayiti Toma 606d
Ayiti Toma
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What's going on, Stereo? It's Isabella, a.k.a. Dr. Poetry, and I want to share with you my new podcast, Before and Behind the Uniform. That's right, Before and Behind the Uniform. Whether it's our formal apparel or a metaphor for putting on a front, we all dress in a uniform. There's often a lot going on behind the uniform, and many people, particularly police officers, are reluctant to express their true feelings. Every week on Before and Behind the Uniform, a notable guest and I will talk about their own experiences, managing stress and attempting to keep their own lives in order. We will be openly and honestly discussing both in English and Spanish mental health with first responders like nurses, law enforcement officers, paramedics, soldiers, etc., because they're still human with genuine lives. Therefore, get ready to listen to and take part in an open dialogue about mental health with those before and behind the uniform. This podcast is brought to you by Isabella, a.k.a. Dr. Poetry, Stereo's favorite officer. You guys be safe out there. All right, y'all.
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Isabela, what up sis? I'm so excited about this Friday's fashion passion. I cannot wait to show off my new fucking merch. The shit you did for me, yo, that shit is mad sexy. Fucking fuego. I love it. You did your thing on that merch, sis. Thank you.
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Who is the I can't wait do you have the shells girl yes yes yes Mitsuhiro awareness is so important you just hear the stories behind the uniforms you know I wear one too honey so you are really know I got some stories but hey if I don't catch you live I'm a kiss those replays don't even worry about it you know I got you I love you my sister and I will see you soon Remi out love you much
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Love you too, my sis. And absolutely, you know you're welcome to come on the panel and share your story as well. I'm always interested in listening to everybody's story when it comes to how we deal with stress and how we cope. Because behind the uniform, there's a human being, right? Alright, y'all. Take care, hon.
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