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Not gonna lie. I have like a whole list first off top of list Santa Because you know It's just no reason that he was, you know, faking it till he was making it like that. I mean he could
Next, definitely is gonna have to be Cardi B. Okay, you know, just reparations for everything she's done over the years and just how evil she is. Yeah, I feel it.
Actually, that's a very good question. But I already know, mighty B. Because when I was five years old, I was sending little, uh, mails through the mail, and they was just coming back to me. Like, the mailman's supposed to pick it up. I had his air-dress and everything.
How do you still want to beat the shit out of low pump I think this video I like personal goal Mexican dude in the in a Walmart line of the Mexican yeah I should maybe want to kick that throw his little ass