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Hey guys, Jones the Baptist here, so like I said a lot of times, I believe that if you are Muslim and you're not forced to be a Muslim, and you didn't grow up being a Muslim, and that's all you know, I think that, you know, there's something really wrong with you. Now, for me, I do believe that if you die as a Muslim, that you will go to the lake of fire forever and never get out. And, you know, it's completely your fault because you had the chance to get saved, you rejected it. But, you know, if you're not, if you convert into Islam, without being forced, there's something really wrong with you, especially if you're a woman, because in this Hadith collection, in Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 2658, Muhammad says, isn't the witness of a woman equal to the half of that as a man? And the woman said, yes, he said, this is because of deficiency of a woman's mind. So Muhammad is basically calling women like special or the same cognitive dissonance as a dog or something like that. So I, to be honest, I do have to agree with Muhammad here, if you are a female, and you know all this stuff about Muhammad, the wicked things he did, and you know about Christianity, and you still reject Christianity, you do have to be deficient, something has to be wrong with your mind. And you do have to be half of that is equal to a man, because this religion doesn't make any sense. And your own prophet is insulting you. He's literally calling you stupid, you know, if you're a woman. Now, if you leave Islam, that would be a very smart decision. And I wouldn't think you're deficient anymore. But if you stay in Islam, you know, you need to listen to Muhammad, you are deficient.
Bro, shut the fuck up, bro. Nobody gives a fuck You're fucking bringing religion onto this fucking app, bro. It's fucking annoying Bro, and if somebody is fucking Islamic or whatever the fuck Just let them fucking do whatever the fuck they want to do, bro No one cares. No one wants to be fucking Christian like you, bro And if they are Christian, they can fucking do that, bro. Why the fuck you have to talk about it, bro? Just leave it alone
Gang there's actually people responding with intelligent and coherence, so Obviously somebody does care you just talking about this audio Nick right now cuz you don't know what's going on So if you don't you can keep scrolling
I feel like being a Muslim should be normalized Muslims aren't stupid like you could like literally you can or you like for your reasons of thinking that Muslims are stupid you can say that for any other religion I am Christian why are you going to call me stupid because my parents decided to teach me Christian values and I still believe them right now but I respect Muslims as I expect atheism I speak every religion so like what is this saying what what is this why did you say this man
I don't know what these questions are anymore. Are Muslim women stupid? No. They're people that make decisions. I don't agree with the belief system, but nonetheless they're women. So I wouldn't call them stupid or anything. Not sure who this question is supposed to aim at.
oh see i couldn't hear the clip i did not hear the clip yes i do agree that islam does teach that i've actually seen this guy who used to be a muslim he studied the scripture and taught that women generally tend to be less intelligent than men that's literally what it says in the quran so yeah i agree with you yeah my fault i i didn't i don't know how but there was nothing there was no audio playing so yeah i agree yeah i agree