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Ur Mom 432d
Ur Mom
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Ur Mom
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Hello Jones the Baptist here a third time. Tawheed is the absolute oneness of God only one creator no partners with God anything like that that's that's you know the foundational beliefs of Muslims. Now this does not make sense because they say Allah is absolutely one but then he has 99 attributes. Absolutely one God with 99 attributes that doesn't make sense but one of his attributes Allah's attributes is merciful the most merciful. Now that that doesn't make sense because there's somebody else in the Quran called most merciful and it's actually Muhammad and Yusuf Ali 9 chapter 9 verse 128 now have come unto you a messenger from amongst yourselves it grieves him that ye should perish adherently anxious is he over you to the believers is he most kind and merciful so the only attribute that's described of Allah is most merciful but then he calls his prophet the most merciful that's not Tawheed folks
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