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I would rather talk to animals because I am not about to touch a dildo and know that my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother used it, like, bitch. No.
Bro, how the fuck would you find a dildo that your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother used? Like, is it in like a random box in the corner of your house and been sitting there for years? Like, how would you even come across that? That's actually wild.
i would rather know history of every object you touch because motherfucker i would rather be smart as shit because i could probably make a time machine and if you touch like old ancient shit you can know the history that other people never knew
Bro, okay, we can't make a time machine now. So how the fuck would people in the past know how to make a time machine? Honestly, bro. I'd rather just talk to like a duck bro. He'd probably know how to make a time machine So I'm gonna do that
If you had the power to talk to animals, and for example, if we talk to a monkey, which is known to be smarter than humans, we can use them to build a time machine. Knowledge! And we can get the animal power to build that shit, you know what I'm saying? Like, wow, I'm smart as fuck.
ignore people don't let them bring you down you the more you listen to them the more your positivity goes up and the more that you don't listen to them the more negative they're gonna get because they're gonna get mad because you do not care
Though I thought about this one, and this is funny because I was like, alright, if you were able to talk to animals, say you're just like chilling in your bed, right? You're like, oh, I'm gonna go to bed. So you go to bed, and then you hear a fucking roach. Hey, you motherfucker! You're squishing me! Hey! Yeah, you! And then you're just chilling, and you're like, what the fuck? Like, that shit is creepy. Like, you know, I would rather go with the first one.