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Hey ya it's Trigga tell me I have a question for y'all isn't so much going on this app and everyone trying to do their part do you think that one person really can make a difference I'm OK with just some Pawel like a honest answer how you want to feel before I I'll leave my opinion in the comments but do you really think one person can make a difference in this world Let me know
Oh, absolutely. One person can make change. Absolutely. They just need to start that flame. And it can spread into a wildfire. So yes, it only takes but one person sometimes.
And I believe that comes up like you know how if you smile at one person and then that person smiles at somebody else and then that person spots on somebody else's like you were once Manchester really could make a big difference you just not able to see the whole outlook on the finished product thanks Bree
One person can make a difference, not in a way probably most people think. One person can change the outlook and thought process of another person that can build on what they started.
What up though TBS thank you for responding to my son but I think me and you have the same sentiment one person can definitely Sparks and shit and another person can help build on it and setting a solid foundation for whatever needs to change it to be thank you TBS
Absolutely Tammy, you know, one drop causes a ripple effect. So I definitely, definitely think one person makes a difference. All it takes is one. That's all it takes.
Well, I'm inclined to actually reply to your soundbite because I really liked the concept of One Drop making a ripple effect. I'm definitely going to use it in the future as well.
This is such a good analogy. You know the fabric of the universe is definitely interconnected and one person or anything. I mean, we are just energies and...
Yeah, I actually believe that because all these trends and adopted personalities and bullshit that we see every day It had to come from somewhere as well as the good shit too though, but yep
I think it's more about inspiration, so you can make a difference in that sense. It's not going to be anything like so sudden, but eventually concrete and not abstract.
Oh, I like your outlook on this. I like your outlook on this. It's not so cut and dry, but but the inspiration can go a long way. Thank you. Thank you for the comment.
Hey, hey y'all, hey y'all doing? Yes, I do believe one person can make a change, but I would say it would take some time, honestly, and they'll have to keep having that same constant an N key to make change.
Oh because she gets exhausting it's the constant energy of the patients to know like OK I'm on the right path I'm gonna make a difference by being patient of the sea the fruit fullness of it all is hard hey girl hey
Yeah, I definitely agree that one person can make a difference in this world. Just look at all of the people that have already shown us that it's a possibility. So yeah, I definitely agree.
Okay, I flexed with this comment. What are you teaching? What are you teaching in South Bronx? I'm curious. Shout out to you. Try to make a change. I love this.
Hell no woman it can't make a difference that's why we had unions what does union mean mean with union eyes go one boy saying strong by itself and look what that be I did a doctor came for X-1
But what if the world wasn't so corrupted 100% because every time one person wants to make a big difference that will affect the whole world I'm off I can get taken out so yeah