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Personally, I'll really give a fuck cuz like it's not my life But if it gets to the point where you like barking this shit like like come on, bro. They really
The people in my fucking second going to be doing that shit be in the corner meowing shit I'll leave you wanna go to shut down shut the fuck up but I did with my my own business yeah
Man I hope one day I come across an actual furry and see what they like because I'm keeping the matches in my back pocket I miss your flame we are in three seconds I'll meet you
Are used to like Furrys but one day I kind of furry if I don't know what to call he/she a punch in autistic kid and ever since then I haven't liked trees cause I could do whatever they want to do when they think they can so
I like that idea low key and like we could like make it a reality show It's like gonna be like Saul like they don't do some or they don't answer the right question Tom We do that, you know I beat up
There's an interesting topic because my friend Rosie she is a furry my sister Safari so some fries are acceptable but those weird ones have sex with dogs those are the weird ones
I typically would say I'm burning them after the TikTok release out of the hue view finance very centneet the mask I mean we can we can let some live I guess
I won't use hate, I just disliked them. Like I don't get the whole part of a furry, like why would you want to be an animal, stuff, just dress up as an animal. Like, I don't understand. I just think it's kind of weird in some sense. So yeah.
I totally totally 100% support people but if a furry has the audacity to come up to me I might just punch you in your nose on purpose by accident then push you into ongoing traffic respectfully
But that's only if they come up to me and want to have an interaction or tell me how great it is about being a furry like that don't talk to me just just go on with your day ignore me I don't exist
Know if you can get your slim Jim head ass out of here I am I'm Slim Shady hit us out of here look ahead answer Yes regardless I would fucking Grinch clicker head out of your ass like I look like fucking googly Boogaloo head ass bro