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Aw, dude, fuck these people if they say you're ugly, dawg. You know what I mean? I'm gonna level with you, dude. This app's pretty fucking toxic, dude. Like, you know, people on the internet, they're, like, hiding, you know? They're hiding, like, behind their phones. They're not gonna be, like, very nice, dude. Like, I think you look like a good person, and you know what I mean? So fuck these guys, dude. Like, live your life, dawg, and prove them fucking wrong. You know what I'm saying, dude? Hell yeah. You got it, dude. Did you get there?
This this is fucking everything I love how people comment shit like this in like the people does so fucking rude these days you know I'm saying like it's just fucking terrible you know like this is English it makes me so happy
that's lit- that's literally what i'm saying because all these people are rude for no fucking reason right? and like i see one nice dude who's spreading positivity and then all these people responding with rude ass comments like the fuck