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Jayden Oliver 614d
Jayden Oliver
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Alright y'all, I've been in the talking stage for the past two months. This is the longest time I've been in the freaking talking stage for two months. My maximum amount of time usually for a talking stage is a month. Minimum amount of time is like two weeks, okay? Why am I in the talking stage for so long? Like, I don't like being the first one to ask them out, but my friend's been telling me that he's planning on asking me out after he gets back from vacation, which isn't a whole freaking week. And by the time it comes to that, it's going to be around in three months in the talking stage. And I don't know. It's kind of weird, you know? Like, a little strange. Like, me and him do all these things that couples do already. He took me on a date already and stuff. He met my family. I met his family. Like, we're practically already dating. He just hasn't asked me out yet. And I'm just sitting here waiting. Like, what the fuck? I don't know what to do. Like, my friend's over here blowing up his phone. She's like, oh yeah, by the way, this is her favorite candy. This is her favorite chocolates. You should- here's her favorite flowers. You need to ask her out. These things, da da da da da. I don't know. I feel like they're planning something. I feel like they're planning something, you know? Am I weird for thinking that? Because my friend's over here telling him all these things that I like, you know? And he's been more flirty towards me. And like, I don't know. Like, I saw the text messages. Like, they're not flirting. So I think they're planning on something, you know? Am I weird for thinking that?
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