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Mmm, I don't know what you're talking about, *****. Who are you calling ugly, *****? Who are you calling ugly? Bitch, look at yourself! Like, oh my god, you're a stick. You're a stick.
You've never seen my body, so you wouldn't fuckin' know, bro. You wouldn't know what my body looked like, and you ain't ever gonna see it, you ugly ass fuck.
You look like a narcissistic terrorist. And also you look like you do like, heroin, coke, meth, all of them. Just like, put them in a slurry and then stab them in your arm. That's what- that's what you look like you do.
wow this is very ugly you thought I was gonna say pretty oh no you look like a fish from fishtails with that wonk hair like like bro it looks so greasy oh no you got probably nice bro
I'm gonna start off with Kat. Why you say you don't need nobody input when you obviously post this and ask people to rate you, bro? And then Kat, you talk about somebody being somebody from, uh, Fishtails, you're watching Fishtails in the back of your screen. Be a good girl, keep on watching that little girl. Check out some, got some greasy and rice in her. Girl, make your mama clap you with some grease and put rice in your hair. Sit down and be a good girl. Both of y'all just some dumb loo hoes and I'll smack both of y'all with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Get off my phone. GET OFF MY PHONE!