Thunda If you make plans with someone and cnt make it you should let the other person know? If not should u be done away with?Подписаться612ПоделитьсяКопировать ссылку на пост
Thunda Why would u want to get to know Me from another State but won't Fly Me out to do so? Btw I've flown Myself out twice... thts how He met Me😉
Thunda Did you know that Women have Periods/Menses? If so why do most Men act like it's not supposed to happen? 6
Thunda I don't think I wanna be attractive anymore if I attract shitty ppl yet I am not a shitty person #oppositesattractandImsickofit
Thunda Break a Plate. Say Sorry to it. Did the pieces come back together? Who tried it? Apologies are Stupid Pt 2
Thunda Is Dating a Competition? Why or Why not? How do you know who u Approach is interested in u also? Do u assess this?