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My voice, sign language exists, and how am I meant to use my voice properly if I don't have a mind? Like, God forbid, but obviously my voice, like, everyone did it, so can I.
Bro I'm not even gonna lie I've been lost my mind like a while ago like 2020 2020 I lost that she like it has not come back ever since bro I guess I want to get my money back if you hear my voice I can barely talk I lost it or break it I know what to say I'm not responding to this shit
I ain't gonna lie to y'all, I done lost my voice. You know, it's really hard out here, you feel me? But losing my mind, like, I really be going stupid. I want some real shit. Me losing my mind is my balls slapping across someone's face at approximately 352 kilometers per second. And I ain't never did that until I did it to this one 12-year-old in the third grade. Like, she was just talking too much shit. Like, got my voice gone.