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And greetings everybody question today is have you ever been part of a community bike ride if so what city what era what time did you all start your bike rides will use the starter kit in the weekly bike ride it was called around 7 PM sometimes eight and we would bike for 2 to 2 1/2 hours and we we started at 15 5060 people we picked at 300 and we drop back down to like the 70s but yeah Just wondering how it is in other cities because here in South Florida in Miami it's very flat and it's very much easy to get around because we don't have to claim anything but yeah let me know if you ever been part of a bike ride of any sort a community group ride that is as a facilitator for this one hope you enjoyed it
Hey, you know, I have heard about that bike ride, and you guys do have also a bike highway, like in Colorado, really awesome stuff. I, uh, yeah, I'm a really big enthusiast of bicycles.