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Okay, so I know I've mentioned a couple times on here that I'm a content creator, but I've noticed when it comes to having pictures being taken, it's either people are all for it, they love these pics, or their camera shy and rather be the person taking the pictures. So I want to know what side you're on and yeah, if you want to explain why feel free if not, that's cool too
Okay, so I'm not kinda shy, I just don't like taking pictures. Like, anytime somebody wants to take a picture, like, I don't want to take pictures. No, I'm not doing that. You're doing too much. Like, it's supposed to save a moment. It's supposed to be using your phone. You're supposed to take a picture. Save a moment. Like memories.
I really appreciate what you said about saving moments for memories because now more than ever I find that we like share all that we can online right um and I think a lot has to do with my job because I do work in social media but now that I'm getting older I personally like to save those memories for myself or you know basically keep them on a DL uh so yeah I really appreciate you sharing that perspective because I feel like more people need to hear it so thank you.
Definitely I did modeling like twice every week and I mean I'm used to getting my picture taken obviously but yeah it's super fun is it you guys should model but like be able to take criticism that's all I can say
I actually did model in my younger days, when I was a child, model for a little bit. Me and my cousin were actually. Just growing up, my mom would put me in some photo competitions. It was like little small ones. Walmart back then had a photo studio inside every Walmart. They had this little competition thing.
That if you came and you took, you know, your kids pictures and submitted it, it was like Mr. or Mrs. Something. I can't remember what it was, like, but when you won, you got like a year of free photos and my mom You know, took pictures of me every school year, every holiday, like she's, my mom's like obsessed, like very obsessed, very vain woman So I got put in the contest. We won, you know, she had a year of free photos
I got your free photos and she had a whole entire portfolio at this point to go take to Pittsburgh and We submitted it to a modeling agency when they contacted us after We went to the zoo and I guess they saw me and my cousin together and they were like, oh, you know pretty babies you know, let's put them in modeling and when I got older I did like smaller modeling like modeling clothes and stuff, but Hated it hated it couldn't stand it
No, I don't like taking pictures, I just don't like it. It's not that I'm camera shy or nothing, it's just that, like, I just like taking pictures and photos and all that stuff. I'm just, I don't like it, I don't know. It makes me uncomfortable, but like, it's nothing wrong with it, it's just that I just don't like taking it all the time.
Like, it's okay if I- I could take some- a little bit of pictures, like, three, two pictures, but, like, too much pictures? No, thanks. I'm good. I don't like taking, like, multiple pictures. Like, why do you need that much pictures? Like, bruh. But, like, again, there's no- there's nothing wrong with taking pictures, though. It's just, like, if you overdo it, then that's different, but, like, if it's only, like, a little bit, then that's different. I don't mind that.
Absolutely fucking not. Immediately no. Like, if you try and take a picture of me, I will knock, like, literally knock the fucking camera out of your hand or just duck. I'm not about to be in anyone's pictures. Like, don't do that. I cannot fucking stand that. Do not do that. No. No. No thanks.