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It's so funny what these people have to say and then you look at them and you're like Bro, what the literal hell you look so pretty. I don't care what the fuck these people say They're hateful and they are sad because their mom didn't wipe their ass as a kid. You look so beautiful
Anyways hey girl hey are you pretty but I feel like one of your eyebrows are like much bigger than the other one but you're really pretty it's just somebody fucked up your eyebrow or maybe it's just the way your turn I don't know but you're very pretty
You look like a fucking plus size general Tega and I mean that in a bad way I'm not gonna lie you a fat bitch I can't I cannot lie already I already scanned your badges you say you take your shirt off you take your pants off bitch I can see you stretch your belly from here you got a stretch marks under your belly you a fat bitch yeah I can tell your player build already you got a belly in the front but you got a pancake in the bag that stuff and go home with you or you ain't the prettiest bitch general Tega
why are your eyebrows so far like they're stretched out like I don't know how you got like your eyebrows to go like that like a lot you kind of cute kind of cute you gotta give me the nose cuz like I want to put a nose you can't be doing that to me
You look like Janet Ortega, but autistic, with tiny pimples, with tiny eyebrows, with a perfect nose, with beautiful hair, with a perfect forehead, but a weird chin, and weird lips. But like, why do you think I care about autistic? Right though, you're pretty, but you look autistic.