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I don't know why you guys are saying mosquitos, but the only thing about mosquitos is that they itch. And the more you itch it, the more it's gonna itch and itch and itch. All you have to do is just put cream on it and leave it alone. And boom, the mosquito **** is gone. The thing about ticks though, it's like having a cactus stuck on you. And you need like tweezers to take them out. Like I'm not doing all that just to take a tick out. And they're pretty painful taking them out too, so now I'm going with ticks. I don't know about y'all.
Why are y'all ****** saying tics? You could easily just take tics out. Mosquito bites? *****, those things will hurt. Oh my god. Well, they don't hurt, but like, if you scratch them to where they can hurt, like, they fuckin' hurt. But, like, imagine having itchiness all around your body, bruh. Tics, like I do, I mean, like, all you gotta do is just buy this, like, product, and just take them out.
Diseases and stuff bro and I've never heard of a mosquito with diseases and like ticks don't really got like a repellent like I've never heard of a tick repellent
My tics are kind of worse because like, if you don't see them, if you live to like four or four days or a week, you can get Lyme disease, but mosquitos, ugh, they suck. I hate them. They can die in a ditch.
I wasn't talking with the mosquito with a disease. That's not even a fucking thing Ticks if you have ticks on you for about four days to a week, you're gonna get Lyme disease I wasn't talking about a fucking tick bro. No, what the fuck? I wasn't talking about a fucking mosquito bro
First of all first and foremost I don't know who are you calling a f***ing dumb s**t or or or the f**k you said second of all how old are you are you alone enough to be on this app and third of all mosquitoes do carry diseases
Ticks, them things beginnin' to your skin, bro. I never had that personally, but mosquitoes **** me all the time, cuz I'm fat. And it's annoying, yeah, but like, I-I take that over being, like, something crawling into my skin, bro, and infecting me. No mommies.