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Dɾҽαɱყ 622d
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Greetings everybody, modern monk here, throwing some wisdom at y'all. Thanks for listening. You're more powerful than you think. With these exercises, you're going to realize that. Okay, two things. Next time you harsh someone, criticize someone, bash someone, harass someone, give someone the sass or jazz, think about this. If you don't know how to do these two things, you don't have any right to make fun of anybody because you don't know how to do the two basic things that you need to lift. Okay, one, breathing. Have you ever studied breathing? Do you know how to breathe conscious deep breathing from your diaphragm? Do you know any breathing modalities? Do you know any breathing techniques? Do you know how to optimize the main thing that keeps you alive every single second? Because if you haven't, that tells me that you don't even know how to fucking breathe and you're a harsh and people for doing stuff. Okay. Two, character. If you can't write down on a piece of paper, 10 things that you love about yourself that are strong attributes that are strong characteristics of yourself in about a minute, you are way behind. You have no idea who you are. You have no identity. You're way more powerful than you think. And these two things will help you get there. Message me if you want to go over some things. Let's go.
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