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What's going on everybody? What's up? What's everybody's plans for this wonderful, wonderful holiday weekend? What's everyone's plans for July 4th? I am off. My best friend is working. She's actually working till 9, but she's gonna still come over afterwards. I'm having a little cookout. Um... I'm gonna have him light her and a couple of other people over and we're just gonna, if I can, barbecue. And we're gonna have some drinks. Well, she doesn't drink, but I'm gonna make her drink. Cuz she needs to stop being so boring and drink She says she likes wine let me tell you guys some know this this girl like it's not about who you've known the longest It's about who's been there for you the most and who's rooting for you and who's there to see you succeed and everything Let me tell you this girl has been there I've known her for a year and she's been there for me more than anything we'd like we're the ones like if you look on my Instagram we're always matching and like we always match we're so corny and we're so gay like corny because we always match all the time but like yeah she's gonna come through and invite a few more people over and throw some stuff on the grill and we're gonna go see fireworks somewhere it's going to be a good night so what is everybody else's plans I told her like I'm like bro you should call off I I don't know how to influence that But it'd be a good time I'm gonna make some burgers some dogs, some ribs and some chicken, of course and I'm gonna probably grill some corn on the cup some pineapples, make like some macaroni and cheese beans you know, so what's everybody's plans? cause that's what my plan is, this should be a good night I think I'd invite like 10 people but uh yeah Happy Forest!
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