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He is probably like the finest creature I've ever seen like I would low-key fuck the shit out of him cause you're alone really get to be like go in and like Albert Einstein who because like oh my God dude like what the fuck how can a man even be like possibly this fine
This reminds me of the time that me and my sister were playing hide-and-seek with our hamster and, like, one time, one of the hiding spots, she put the hamster in a sock, and she put it on top of the fucking, uh, ceiling fan, and when I walked into the room, I turned the ceiling fan on, and a hamster went flying, and it hit the wall, and it obviously died, but, like, it was one of my saddest days, and now I just look back on it, and I'm like, that dumb bitch.
I remember I ate my ham sandwich by stuffing that shit in the ham and I ate the whole shit, that motherfucker was so good I took another one from the pet store, and I dipped that shit in some fucking vinegar sauce and that shit was busting like my fucking nuts.
I'mma lick your forehead, and it smell like a egg. Why you face a lil' like, a lil' like a ol' egg, it's a lil' white egg. I'mma lick your forehead, and it smell like a lil' like, a lil' like a ol' egg, it's a lil' white egg. I'mma lick your forehead, and it smell like a lil' like a ol' egg. I'mma lick your forehead, and it smell like a lil' like a ol' egg.
Okay, your hamster died. Well, listen up, buddy. You're gonna die from being single your whole life. Why do you look like a mix of Jeffrey Dahmer and Shaggy? No, you don't even look like Shaggy. What is that haircut, bro? Why do you look like Kevin from The Office? The fuck?