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That sounds so good. My other favorite, like my favorite version of it is like, and I'm sorry if I botched this, steam pressured or pressure cooked steak with like mashed potatoes and like some broccoli or like or even better what's it called, brussels sprouts. That sounds like an amazing combo.
Alright, so hear me out, hear me out. Okay, this is non-asky. So, put bread and put down a piece of bread, and then put the candy bar crunch, the chocolate one, and put some, what's it called, a cheese on it, white sprinkled cheddar cheese or whatever it's called, and then put another piece of bread on it, And then microwave it for 30 seconds. It's me.
You're disgusting, bro. What is wrong with you? Oh, my. I'm gonna cry. What in the world? Put bread, the candy bar crunch chocolate, and put cheese? Are you okay? What are you apparently feeding me for real?
Okay, so like, I work in an ice cream shop, and we're just doing this as an ice cream shop, but this is what I do because they don't let us fucking eat, so I put my own tortillas in it, and like, I put the ice cream in my own tortilla, and I make an ice cream burrito with all the same shit that you put on your ice cream to make a burrito. It's messy as hell, but it is amazing.
Definitely some dick no I'm just playing a lo mein is so good like oh I love Chinese food like fuck I could really fuck up some lo mein orange chicken fried rice my God