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I am bored as fuck right now. Like, can somebody comment on this post and just like start an argument or say something interesting because I am bored as fuck right now.
You take that back right now. No, because dino nuggets were the staple of an American childhood. Okay, so I don't want to hear that. I don't want to hear that shit. Okay. Nope
okay so I did this petty thing back in like kindergarten or first grade I'm not sure but I was on the swings right and this girl named Susie we're gonna call her Susie I don't remember her name because she was irrelevant but this girl named Susie pushed me off the swing and I scraped my knees on the hard dry That's wood chips, right? So
So we were painting that day and she was wearing a white shirt so I dipped my hand in the brown and black paint and I smeared it on her back and I said I was going to make her a backpack right? Like a good job because she did something quote good and difficult. Then I went to the ground and we watched my hands to get rid of the evidence right? When I said she got she started crying when she saw it but also but also our teacher felt like Bruce Smith.
So she bought cookies, she bought Oreos, she bought chocolate chips I'm pretty sure. I don't eat Oreos. So I took a chocolate chip and so did Suzy. So she took the chocolate chip right? She took the chocolate chip. But she left to go to the bathroom because she was still crying. So I took the chocolate chip and I rubbed it on the floor. Okay, huh, huh. I rubbed it on the floor right.
I ripped it on the floor and I sent it back on her plate. I blew it off so there was nothing on it but I knew it was dirty. So she came back and she ate the cookie like it tasted better. She gobbled it up. And I did this petty ashy of because she pushed me off the swing. I need help bro. Somebody told me to help me. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.