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Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you please bless me with all that I wanted and all the things that I desire. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that I be a loving wife, a loving mother, have my own place, and have what I always dreamed of being a superstar. God God helped me conquer the challenges that I face every day. Lord, I need you to be my rock, my shield, my protector. Lord, protect me God. Put me in a path that you have placed me, Lord. Lord, I thank you for blessing me, blessed my family, friends, and my fans. Lord protect us, cover us Lord. And Lord, bless me with a husband. I pray the next man in my life will put a ring on my finger and I become his wife. And Lord, I'll be a brushing blind, a brushing blind to be. So God please bless me with a good husband, a good job, a good stable career, In Jesus name, amen.
Do you have any father? I want you to protect this angel from heaven and don't let anyone do anything bad of this lady. And let her know that she deserves the entire world, even if I don't know her. Let her know that she signs on the inside and out and that she is a beautiful soul. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Lord, also God, watch over my family, my friends, and my Hato crew, aka my friends. Lord, bless us God with what we want and desire God. Protect us God from harm, hurt, and danger. Cheer doesn't cover us all.
Lord, I know that you will do this, and I know that you will protect us, because you are protecting our comfort. You will be with us during the good times and bad times, God. So Lord, thank you for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way. what I decreed.
Dear Heavenly Father, please make sure that this woman doesn't break into my house and eat every single last piece of edible thing in my house. Please. I can just tell from the way she's staring at the camera and the way she's saying her prayer that she wants to devour everything in my house. Like, ew.