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Grand Rising and welcome to another Marvelous Wednesday where you get to choose. Today let it rise with to the middle of our week and you can turn it up or dial it back where you need to. Remember that you are the beacon, you are the lighthouse, you're limitless, and you are love.
Grand Rising today and Wednesday but it is Friday so I'm two days ahead even though I might be behind. Think about it. Yes, Grand Rising, to rising our greatness, to rise to greatness, rise to the occasion is what we do. It's how we get busy, it's how we work. You know? Yes, you are the light. that is born out of the darkness and penetrates darkness. Two way street, isn't it? Peace.
My loneliness is killing me and I, I must confess, I still believe, I still believe, when I'm down for two I lose my mind, give me a sign, hit me baby one more time!
Let's go to the right. I'm the TottyXD guy, he's a train. You better close your eyes, cause everything is lies. TottyXD guy, he's a train. Verse 6, 5, 6, 7, 8. The only thing that grooms is my two pretty cats. I'm not a loser. I'm not a groomer, I'm just a loser.