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How the fuck can I help you? Because if you're not from New York, I actually don't want to fucking help you at all. In fact, if you're from Long Island, you may as well hang the fuck up right now. And if you're getting that chopped cheese from fucking Manhattan, kill yourself. I don't got time. And I actually don't want to help none of you bitches, because I'm better than all you bitches, because I'm from fucking New York. I'm better than you, your uncle, your daddy, and your mother. And if you give me problems, I'll report you. Yeah, it's the fucking customer. Yeah, I'll get you one hot water, bitch. Try again.
I'm screaming, talk dreamer, I'm screaming. And I actually don't like a lot of you bitches that don't want to help none of you bitches. Like yo shit, yo, yo, yo, Yo, what's acting skills is fucking top tier and top notch, fucking love this shit. Let's go, Sol Drewer. She was awesome girl
Ayo, Ayo, Ayo, how can I help you? You got me on the line, you need some customer service, I got the time son, what it is? You know what I'm talking about? Oh, you're shit off? Shit, let me look that up. Shit, you gotta pay your bills son, you gotta pay, I shat it, that's not what the computer saying, you gotta pay your bill, word, BM, son. Yo, oh you need a manager *****? I am the manager B. I am the manager.
Ayo, hello, who dis? Who dis? Who callin' me? Oh, yo, you're a goddamn customer, alright. What you want? A Mac and a good cheese? Alright, bro, it's gonna be $12.50, but you callin' me at the wrong time, I don't care. I'll be up to $20, fuck*****. Heh. You ain't gettin' my money, you ain't gettin' shit. Fuck outta here, dumbass *****. You listen to my goddamn, tell me what's some dumb shit, fuck.