I'm trying to A, A like would you fuck with anyone like me though? Like, like, you know what I'm saying? Like I ain't even looking at them some shit. You know what I mean? Like, I'm about like, I'm about like 5'10", you know what I'm saying? Tali here, you feel me?
Bro ain't nobody fuckin' with you bro, you look dirty as shit. Alright, get some dreads, alright, save the pedo stash. Alright, why you got your hand behind your head like that? You better do the motherfucking sprinkler out here. Alright, you look dumb, you look stupid, actually. Quit posing like that, he's not cute. Alright, come back on the tap when you are, honestly.
Wait, listen, listen. Me saying he doesn't take good pictures is not me saying he's ugly. He's pretty as fuck. He's cute. I like him. But he just doesn't take good photos.
Oh, you didn't you didn't understand you didn't understand like real ***** talk like that's real That's a real ***** saying shit. So if you understand this shit, you know I'm saying I think it's just none of your business damn for real
I would not fuck a person like you cuz You would like you fat and like if we actually fuck I'm straight by the way But if we actually fuck it look like you would squeeze me and the bed and you'll break the springs off the bed So no.