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I had the most vivid realistic nightmare Wow Wow Wow though right now I know what I would do in that situation So there was a zombie outbreak and everyone was like turning into like I am legend type zombies. Only they could roam during the day. Worst case scenario. And so my brother I knew he was infected. And I knew I had an intuitive feeling when this shit would really break out of my city so I packed all my shit up everything all my camping supplies my weapons all the canned goods that I have and I left because I'm not about to kill my brother and let's be real my parents aren't going to probably last long I says real this was a real-ass dream y'all. I'm so serious. She was wild. I made some tough choices. I I will go by frantic
I passed through with some family and we just kind of nodded at each other like we knew. And we hugged. As we knew we probably wouldn't see each other again. My brother knew he was infected and weird. And it was weird because I didn't know when he would turn.
Wow sounds like a bad one sounds like this do you learning are you just woke up so I didn't hear you suck at that What was you doing the night before what movie did you watch the book did you eat It's just a dream sweetheart just a dream
I wouldn't worry about it I'm a part of the human psyche all part of the human experience There's a cake around the block I'll be better ones and there might be more worst ones to stand fast Hi
I just wanted you to know that you have like a really nice voice and I think I'm about to fall asleep and I also think I'm also kind of in love with you a little bit. and um yeah that's it.