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You are so perfect you're like a model you're tall you're skinny you're got long hair you got the face like girl go into Victoria's Secret and ask for modeling and I'm 10 out of 10 100% sure that you were fucking get the job you were fucking get the job I swear
Hahahaha, nah this is dick right into the maximum, I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna need you to slow down. Hop off it, trust me, she's not gonna fuck you, she don't like you, she don't wanna be your friend. She don't fuck with you, she, she, she, you're not her, you're not her girl, I'm sorry. You're never gonna meet, she don't fuck with you, why do you think she has my pie here to- Fuck, you made this in June 25th? This is a lie, third. She don't fuck with you. You're a beat.
You're dick writing to the maximum efficiency. I'm not finna cab. Oh my god! You look like her Victoria's Secret model! Oh my god, bro! Oh my god! You're dick writing to the maximum efficiency! Bro, you know she doesn't look good, bro. You know. You know it. She built like a fucking Slender Man variation. Bro, she built like a Minecraft skeleton with her ugly eye. Like you know you lying, you know you're lying.
I'm gonna lie, it's cool what I'm saying, but the shoes, that whole fit off you be like, you look up from down, you be like, okay, okay, and you get to the shoes, to the shoes I was like damn fuck no
Yeah, we're fucking Bobby Band. Yeah, what the fuck? You feel like a Minecraft's gonna say, Happy N' As, bitch. Hey, what the fuck, bitch? Uh-uh, *****, you got no fucking ass. Get the fuck out of here, you ain't got no get. You got some shit. You got some, fuck it. You got that fucking set? Uh-uh, get the fuck out of here. Thank you.
And I will I will then I'll say The fat I'll say eat issues could be wee bit of a let down but I'm in the shoes were better than that but like I am Nike Nike shoes I make air weather
OK I've seen like maybe like a good portion of your post so whatever all I need to say is where the hell do you get your outfits or what are your shit because literally let me know because of the shit all of you have Hella cute probably should be Hella cute I love all your face all of them