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AHHHHHH! Oh my god! He's had shooting liberals! AHHHHHH! Oh no. Mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm. You got confederate flag on your truck, don't you? Mm-mm-mm. Go home. Go home.
Bro, PooPooRoh was shocked too. He definitely got a Trump flag in his room. He got one hanging outside his house. He got one of them sweatshirts that say Trump 2024. This is insane.
This is why you should go get a job, bro. Instead of shooting liberals. That's how you be. That's how you be on the toilet. You be dropping dookies every single day, bro. You be like... That's how you be. You got, you got severe diarrhea, bro. This is insane.
I think you misspelled......Faist? Because... I'm pretty... Faist! And shooting black people's hobby, not a racist. Okay... And that's what he's doing in the picture, so... If you don't like it, delete the post. You need a moment.
Bro's out here in Antarctica trying to shoot the Ice King for an adventure time. Bro trying to shoot some snow golems for some XP bro. What's he doing out there, bro?
W advertiser for those of allowing I don't even know where you are I don't know if you're the creator of the thing but W creator for the Joe Long fire arms on the Julia your clothes fuck
Oh ass I actually thought you were someone else Alexa go to the front I actually thought you were this what do the sounds cringe as fuck it was like talks like he's like a fucking Disney movie bro I did I thought like it was like fuck it I thought he was like some of my fucking dumb ass like I don't know if you are whatever and if you are than I don't know whatever I thought he was like some dumb Blake against guns or some shit I don't know the dog off my Bestie my bad
Bro yes I don't know I guess bro he's so stupid I hate him bro like literally and yeah bro yeah yeah I like we talked that I would post of the Earth like Doodoo skin like scuffed up bro I do like I'm paralyzed and so yeah bro now baby I have a trade your bro I was all good brother
So you're telling me right now he has a small penis because he has an AR and he's like he has more money than you, he's like better than you and he's like he has an AR, like what is the fucking problem? Are you like a Libby and you can't handle an AR? Like what?
I'm not trying to be racist but that is a big ass sniper right there. You got there? I don't, I don't, I don't, damn you got so many guns. You know, I don't judge but like I'm a monkey, you know, I don't even live in this cold nature. I just be swinging on vines in the forests and the tarzan. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Like, let me just swing my vines.