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Oh why do you look like that like if that's actually you it's giving like Lil Peep times the island boys but like white but like night I can't really tell what's going on here like I just don't know
I think the issue is you need a hairbrush like I can send you one from Amazon you just Gotta give me your address I can get you that I can get you some deodorant I could get you some new cologne maybe some old spice for your hair like whatever you need I got you but I think that is what the issue maybe some toothbrush and toothpaste to
Run a judgment here man but I hope you have the best life you can hope you get away from all the weird shit you're on and honestly I hope your dog lives you know when you go we have it
You can't just make your book you can't just make your name big booty like scared and nauseous and I want to stop but I'm I'm just gonna check out your account hold on
Well nevermind. I apologize for what I said ma'am. I'm so sorry for everything I said to you. But I'm so sorry ma- ah ah- damn, um, whoa. I am so sorry for doubting you mommy. I mean, wait, wait, wait, wait, stop, stop, stop.
Boy, you probably think you look hood, but boy in real life you look like a freaking hooligan. Straight out of SpongeBob, go back inside and fix that un-flavored fit. The colors are not coordinated. What is going on?