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Rainbowblak 384d
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Rainbowblak 384d
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I like the post, pros and cons of being a side piece. Where do you go with that? Well, I suppose a pro could be is that you don't form any strong attachments, it's just a bit of fun. And you don't have to do all the commitment stuff that you would do if you were in a relationship. The cons might be you actually get attached and you develop some sort of relationship.
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Sorry, the mic got off. Yeah, I was saying you're probably going to develop really strong feelings and you're going to want more than that person can actually give you. So it's like you're luring yourself into a false sense of security. But if these things are spoken about from the jump, that this is nothing serious and it's not going anywhere, then both people will move accordingly. So it means you just date other people. And that's about communication, really.
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