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I like to hang out in between the realm of heaven and hell. I like to sit right there and purgatory and just chill out with death and and talk about the morality of donuts It's a nice place to stay in.
Fuck all that hanging out, I said bitchfitch. Bro, what's up with the Air Force? How can you do that in the Air Force? It's like, who can have the Air Force in that fucking area? like you're so dirty.
Y'all act like y'all can just get y'all a new pair of air forces y'all can just let go of the motherfuckers like they were only $100 slight go with them ugly shit like they're fucked there through
Alright, alright so now that I'm a Y-E-S-L-O-N-D-E, so I really might have to smash! Well, I don't see your face, I'm not gonna cry, I don't see your face though. I can tell by your legs. You play far. You got this in your legs. No, you're on my mom's bed.
You know what I like to hang up? I like to hang up my mom's asshole bro. Actually, no. Okay, first of all, we're gonna go to the movies, right? And then we're gonna go out for a few minutes because, yeah, we're gonna go out and then we're gonna be hanging out in the bathroom and whatever and we're gonna be running around the movie theater, going to see other movies and shit. That's what we're gonna be doing. It's not really a hangout though, it's just having fun for real. So yeah.