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Rose 458d
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Honesty 457d
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Luci 457d
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Prototale 457d
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Vivian Ayala 457d
Vivian Ayala
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Vivian Ayala
Chance 457d
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Mayra Lua 457d
Mayra Lua
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Lola Miller 457d
Lola Miller
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I could've been sure it looks really nice, which is sad.
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Now only then that way his taste is not this pick is Nice to eat in here it's like super Cool that's what I'm gonna say but Everything in the pick looks horrible instead of your hair in your tips. You're welcome and this pick is not crazy at all It's just weird.
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Thanks, I'm not gonna take that as constructive criticism, but the lighting was only made for the PEX and Tricep Flex. It wasn't made for anything else other than like, flex my triceps and PEX. The lighting on everything else was terrible, I'm not gonna lie. But I look way better than this if you look through all my pictures, because this peak is old and I've gotten more ripped since then, but thank you for the compliments and thank Thank you for the constructive criticism, I guess.
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To be honest, I don't know. That was fucking shit, but like, what? Yes, thanks. Fuck off. Okay. Um... Okay
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I take criticism and compliments the same way. I don't care. I used to get criticized a lot when I was younger because I was Carnious folks, so I don't really mind. It doesn't affect me at all, but I said thanks because Like dissing me just makes me want to do better. So So yeah, thank you.
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Okay, uh, stop but like, I'm not gonna say that but like, stop. Can you be white please? But like, um, you take criticizing as compliments. That's okay. But okay. Alright. Can I rate you though? Can I rate you? you
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Yeah, go ahead and read me. It's probably gonna be low though because of what you've been saying, but like I don't really care Just just go ahead and go for it Hahahaha if I shoud.
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HAHAHAHA HAH! HAHHAAH-HAHAHAHAH-HA HAHHAHAH! HAME H centered HARE WELCOME H็H! HÉ! H Front H enfrent H��Héhé... Oh my, oh my GET YOU LOOK LIKE F.. YOU LOOK LIKE MORGUE'S Bro YOU A 시ок же YOU immerse like TV shit Mอน HØ bisschen Fishbone
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All Bro needs is some oil and you get the trifecta. big oily man.
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I'd be spreading that baby oil all over me bro. That shit. It makes me slippery as fuck. I'll be sliding on floors and all types of shit. Oh
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Oh my god, that looks like that hurts. Like, like the, oh, it looks like the bone is like scratching. Huh?
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Dog, it's a tricep. It's not my bone sticking out. Please stop. Uh, why do you think that looks like a bone? My bone is not out that far, I promise you.
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And as for my elbow, that's a shame. It's not my bone as well. Please tell me why you think it's a bone. Have you not? Like... I mean, I could... The lighting is kind of bad at that angle. It just makes my upper tricep pop. But my lower tricep, it does kind of look like a bone. I could see why you're saying that. But please tell me why you would think that that was my bone. Why would my bone be out that far?
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None of my bad. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about here, but I know it's not a bone sticking out of your body Of course, but it just it looks like like it's pointy or something. I don't know but Yeah, no, I know it's not a bone. I was exaggerating but um no yeah my bad
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No, I get what you're saying completely. I mean it was just lighting because like the lighting Posted like a shadow onto the side of my tricep my tricep's much bigger than that at the bottom It does low key look point is fun, but no, I promise you just lighting I don't have better pictures but that's just an old one for a while.
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What happens if you get a paper cut?
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What is y'all saying bro? Y'all are crazy like what? Ummm... Yeah, um, anyways.
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