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Hang on, that was really trying for the night. I'll do you talk to your best friend's boyfriend still talking now Now, with all I did at T, you want me crying and hurting? The three
It sounds more like your best friend's not being friends with you! Bro, what kind of stuff are you on? What is wrong with you? You, suspicious! I'm not messing with that! What the heck?
Bitch you a snake! You evil is fun for that lady, why would you do that? Bitch I would have dropped your ass so quick we would have started fighting. You is evil, mama!
BAH! Who the fuck you got bitch? Your response is fucking hilarious. Like, my body really fucking record this. I just put it inside. That's like, a funny thing. I fucking hurt all day.
I'm sorry for whoever hurt you Hopefully that never happens to you ever again. I've experienced being cheated on Hello times. I've had eight relationships and I all eight of them only one time I didn't get cheated on Imagine that.
I only have one, but it's like my ex, so yeah, but like, yeah, I only got one person. But me and my ex were just friends, so like, we still talk as friends, so yeah. He's the only person I talk to like at work. Yeah.
Well really I don't know because if we're like talking about friends or like guys we're interested in but for friends it'd be like like four or three and like interested well not really interested it's just we talk it. Talking would be like two. But I don't know about it. I don't know you know A girl can't make decisions like this. Like this, like me, I cannot.