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This was a pleasant surprise. I was rolling into the campsite and everyone was gathered in the dock and I was like, oh yeah, there was a launch today. And so I made it just in time and I peeped it out. This was a launch for an Indonesian satellite. Post more information if you swipe it, you can read it for yourself. I didn't post it in the video because it was two minutes in too long, but that's when the boom of the rocket hit. And it was like, and it was like a heavy vibration reverberating through my body and the dock. And it was cool. But yeah, pretty dope. Also happy Father's Day to all the Papas out there. much love to you.
I don't know what the fuck it is, but this bitch's voice is like in Jell-It as hell. Like, can you marry me just to tell me bedtime stories? Is that okay?
And what is happening is me sitting in class. And then while I'm sitting in class, they're rolling out the old school TVs. Squeak, squeak, squeak. We all in class. And as we all sit on our ass in class, we're watching the spaceship go up in the air. This is a long, long time ago. And then as you're watching it, we're young bumblebees buzzing along watching history.
That spaceship is going higher and higher and higher then boom! Tomorrow amazement it's over The shuttle is over The flight is over And I'm saying oh my god because the shape of the explosive formed into a pitch fork.
I'm just curious since you've been recording everything, did you record when the titan imploded under the sea? Like, I wanna know, like, you know everything, like, On the sea, on the sea
You can barely see it, but honestly I paid my need to see that in person. If I was closer to it, probably more, but honestly, that's really cool. Like, does it go once in a lifetime opportunity if you ask me? Or me at least, because... Yeah, but... That's... I keep thinking, but it's awesome. I'm coming. I'll let you know.