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Don't you know that everything is about the credit? It's about the healthy stuck to the other person to the communicating. So for my kindness, there's nothing worse than a ghost.
Okay, so I feel like this video is not giving it all like I feel like it's a wannabe thirst trap But it's not making you thirst if you get what I'm saying like but I mean I mean, your smile is still pretty but you know, it's, I wouldn't keep this up.
Y'all sing mad like what? She's right like she's like a whole man. I'm being honest like don't lie She does not look pretty. She's not getting and um, I don't know what y'all like about her, but I'm being honest She does not. She's not it.
Girl, if you don't shut the fuck up, like, she look like a whole man, she is not pretty, I feel like she's transgender but that doesn't even matter, like, her face is still ugly as fuck.
You are really pretty, but like... You are really pretty, but like... Well... Um... I don't even know, man. You kind of... Your face kind of look like a dude. I'm not even gonna lie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Girl, I love how you hesitate at first, but just talk. Like, literally, she does look like a whole man. Like, I don't know, she just has like this masculine-looking face, and it's not given.