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Hey all, this is just a quick reminder because Pride Month is still ongoing. To the LGBTQIA Plus community, please remember that there are a lot of initials in there. Specifically the L and the G community needs to remember the other initials that follow the L and the G. So, you know, if you can stop ostracizing all the other letters in the community or acting like it's only you or anybody else that's not you, if confused or scared to choose or anything like that. That'd be great. So yeah, just a nice little reminder before the end of the month, even though I did a show on it already, that the B, the T, the QIA, and the Plus all exist within that community, help build that community, and more importantly, help get you what rights you manage to have now and continue to fight for your rights too. So please stop acting like we're not part of the community or we're a less part of the community than you are, just because you only only like one sex. Okay, thanks.
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